The PC-SIG Library 10
The PC-Sig Library - Shareware for the IBM PC and Compatibles (PC-SIG)(Tenth Edition Disks 1-2804)(1991).iso
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Instructions for Willy the Worm Screen Editor
by Alan Farmer, June 1985
Willy the Worm is a user-supported program. Feel free to
make copies and pass them out, but please do not sell them.
Donations of about $10 would be greatly appreciated. Please
send your questions, comments, high scores, improved game
screens, and DONATIONS to:
Alan Farmer
2743 McElroy Drive
Charlottesville, Va 22903
Uses of the editor:
The screen editor for Willy the Worm can be used to modify
the eight screens used in the game and to preview and
practice on the higher ones. If a screen is too hard or you
want to design your own screens entirely, read on.
Getting Started:
To enter the screen editor, enter 'EDWILLY' at the DOS
prompt. Press Enter when asked to do so. Next you are asked
which screen you want to edit. Answer wth a number from 1 to
8. The screen you choose will then be displayed.
Editing keys:
'A' is the help key. Pressing this key will display a window
with a summary of the following instructions.
The arrow keys move the cursor (the blinking pixel) around
the screen. Any changes you make will occur at the location
of this cursor.
'K' brings up the prompt for which screen to edit. Use this
to go to another screen.
'L' saves all screens on disk for use with the main program.
DO NOT forget to save your work before you leave the program!
';' copies any screen to any other. WARNING: this destroys
the screen that is copied over.
'.' plays the screen you are currently editing. The score is
included for reference and does not go on the high score
'/' changes the starting position to the cursor position on
the current screen. The starting position is represented by
Willy the Worm facing left.
',' enters the small square that produces or removes balls.
The topmost small square on the screen is automatically
chosen to produce balls and all other remove them.
'U' enters a vertical spring at the cursor position. 'I'
enters a tack. 'O' enters a section of ladder. 'P' enters a
bell. 'J' enters a horizontal spring. 'M' enters a present.
Various other keys enter sections of wall and floor. See the
help window ('A') for a complete list. You may want to do a
screen dump of the help window if you have a dot matrix
printer and the DOS program GRAPHICS.
You've heard it all before: "The development of this software
has taken much time and effort. If we are to continue our
production of user-supported software, your contributions are
vital." Well, I can tell you first-hand that it's true. If
enough people send ten dollars, maybe I'll find it in my
heart to write "Willy The Worm II" or "Pete the Pigeon".
Hint: If you like this game a LOT, you can send more than ten
Have gobs of fun and don't forget to pass copies on to all of
your friends!